If you or any of your loved ones have experienced any of the following situations or have been hurt, abused, attacked, neglected or mistreated, you (or they) may be a victim of Elder Abuse. Common Forms of Elder Abuse Physical Abuse: Being hit, pushed around, tripped, pinched or having your hair pulled. Entrapment and Imprisonment: Not being allowed to leave the home when you want. Feeling trapped. Not being able to get away from somebody when they’re angry at you because they follow you around. Being cornered in a room and not being able to get away from a person’s anger or rage. Emotional and Psychological Abuse: Being yelled at. Being blamed for problems that aren’t your fault. Being made to feel bad about yourself, guilty, or responsible for the problems of others that simply aren’t your fault. Financial Abuse: Having money stolen for you. Being over-billed for services. Having your signature forged. Being tricked or coerced into signing documents. When a loved one is given documents to sign, when they are not emotionally or mentally able to make decisions for themselves is also a form of financial abuse. Neglect: Not having your physical needs met by somebody who is responsible for doing so. This can mean not being fed, not being helped to the bathroom, or not being rolled over in a bed frequently enough to prevent bedsores when you are not able to move yourself. Neither You nor Your Loved Ones need to Suffer You don’t have to stand for that kind of treatment, and we’re here to help. Its critical that you contact us as soon as possible to help put an immediate stop to the problem, and to keep things from getting worse. How to get help, today Once you recognize that there is an issue, time […]